Lecture Notes


Luigi Russolo's Risveglio di una Citta - Awakening of a City (1914)

Synopsis of Risveglio di una Citta




Charles Sheeler and Paul Strand's Manhatta (1921)

Synopsis of the film Manhatta




Arseny Avraamov's Simfoniya gudkov - Symphony of Factory Sirens (1922)




Walther Ruttmann's Berlin – Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (1927)




Adalberto Kemeny and Rodolpho Rex Lustig's São Paulo, Sinfonia da Metrópole (1929)




Dziga Vertov's Man with a Movie Camera (1929)


Synopsis of Man with a Movie Camera




Federico Fellini's Roma (1972)

Damian Pettigrew's Fellini: I'm a Born Liar (2002)

A Documentary on Fellini: Biography: Federico Fellini

The Secret World of Federico Fellini (December 8, 1972)



Georg Simmel and his "The Metropolis and Mental Life"



Nostalgia and The City